The following is an example of how to loop through a cursor within a cursor to generate a report as shown. This uses the HR schema supplied by Oracle.
DECLARE ------------------------------------------------------- -- This cursor pulls 'Clerks' from the Jobs table. ------------------------------------------------------- CURSOR cur_job IS SELECT job_id , job_title FROM jobs WHERE job_title LIKE '%Clerk%'; rec_job cur_job%ROWTYPE; -- record layout matches cursor ------------------------------------------------------- -- This cursor pulls employees with the parameter for -- the Job_Id being supplied on the open of the employee -- cursor. ------------------------------------------------------- CURSOR cur_emp ( inp_job VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT RPAD(last_name, 10) AS Last_Name , salary FROM employees WHERE job_id = inp_job AND salary <= 2500 ORDER BY salary; rec_emp cur_emp%ROWTYPE; -- record layout matches cursor BEGIN OPEN cur_job; ------------------------------------------------------- -- In the outer loop, fetch one record from the Jobs -- cursor, and print the info. ------------------------------------------------------- LOOP FETCH cur_job INTO rec_job; Exit WHEN cur_job%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.PUT_LINE(CHR(10) -- line break ||'Job: ' ||rec_job.job_title ||CHR(10) ||'---------------------'); ----------------------------------------------------- -- in the inner loop, open the employee cursor using -- the Job_Id from the Jobs cursor. Print the employee -- name, and salary, before closing to get another -- jobs record. ----------------------------------------------------- OPEN cur_emp (rec_job.job_id); LOOP FETCH cur_emp INTO rec_emp; Exit WHEN cur_emp%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.PUT_LINE(rec_emp.last_name ||' $' ||rec_emp.salary); END LOOP; CLOSE cur_emp; ----------------------------------------------------- END LOOP; CLOSE cur_job; END;
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