Monday, June 21, 2010

Use Pragma Exception_Init for Error Handling

Format: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT ( Exception_Name , SqlCode# )

This pragma (compiler directive) is necessary in two situations:
  • Use this to name any unnamed ORA- error that might be raised by your program. If you don't, you have to catch those errors with 'WHEN OTHERS.'

  • For a user-defined exception, assign a code between –20999 and –20000 to SQLCode so it can be raised.
Situation #1:

For instance, if ORA-00068 had a possibility of popping up when your program ran, you'd want to code as shown in the example.
ORA-00068: invalid value string for parameter string, must be between string and string
    e_InvalParam Exception;
    Pragma Exception_Init(e_InvalParam, -68);
    when e_InvalParam then ...

The following ORA- errors have already been named.
(See the package named Standard in All_Source.)
Pragma Exception_Init( Access_Into_Null        ,' -6530  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Case_Not_Found          ,' -6592  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Collection_Is_Null      ,' -6531  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Cursor_Already_Open     ,' -6511  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Dup_Val_On_Index        ,' -0001  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Invalid_Cursor          ,' -1001  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Invalid_Number          ,' -1722  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Login_Denied            ,' -1017  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( No_Data_Found           ,    100   );
Pragma Exception_Init( No_Data_Needed          ,' -6548  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Not_Logged_On           ,' -1012  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Program_Error           ,' -6501  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Rowtype_Mismatch        ,' -6504  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Self_Is_Null            ,' -30625 ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Storage_Error           ,' -6500  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Subscript_Beyond_Count  ,' -6533  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Subscript_Outside_Limit ,' -6532  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Sys_Invalid_Rowid       ,' -1410  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Timeout_On_Resource     ,' -0051  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Too_Many_Rows           ,' -1422  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Userenv_CommitScn_Error ,' -1725  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Value_Error             ,' -6502  ');
Pragma Exception_Init( Zero_Divide             ,' -1476  ');

Situation #2:

I want to check for a valid code, and raise an error if the value is wrong.

Procedure p_CkCode
                ( i_Emp# NUMBER
                , i_Code NUMBER) is
    v_Code    NUMBER;
    v_SqlCode NUMBER;
    e_InvalCode Exception; 
    Pragma Exception_Init(e_InvalCode,-20456); 
    when e_InvalCode then
        v_SqlCode := SqlCode;
        Insert Into AuditTrack (errors)
                         values(i_emp#||’ ’||v_SqlCode);

By default, all user exceptions have a SqlCode of 1.
The code must be between –20,000 and –20,999. Anything else will raise ORA-21000.

If no code number was assigned to the user-defined unhandled exception, you'll see the following:
ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

1 comment:

  1. The question invariably comes up, "Why didn't Oracle just name all of them?" What, all 40,000+ ORA- errors?

    "When you ask the question properly, it answers itself!"
